Registration Form - Impact in Action #4 - University of Roehampton

Impact in Action #4 – Sugarless Green
Webinar | 26/05/22 2:00PM (BST) | Register Now!

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26/05/22 14:00-14:30 (BST)

Webinar Summary

University of Roehampton
TrackImpact Logo

In our May 2022 edition of Impact In Action, we look forward to being joined by Melissa Jogie, Institutional Research Culture Lead at University of Roehampton!

‘Sugarless Green’ is an educational study which aims to support health and wellbeing in young children by reinforcing correct oral hygiene techniques, and by educating pupils on healthier food choices, as alternatives to sugar. This presentation shares three successful funding schemes based on using the fundamental principles of this intervention. Each year, about 60,000 school days are missed because children need to have tooth extractions (Public Health England, 2019). In London boroughs alone, the NHS spends approximately £7M for acute dental care for children, including these emergency extractions (British Dental Association, 2019). This has led to the British Dental Association (BDA) declaring the prevalence of tooth decay in young children as a crisis and calling for more political action geared to prevention (BDA, 2019). Tooth decay is not an isolated physical health issue; it also affects mental wellbeing. In the UK, 12% of children have nightmares about their teeth and 18% are stressed about the general appearance of their teeth and smiles (Oral Health Foundation 2020). Covid-19 has exacerbated these issues due to heightened restrictions, causing a back log of dental appointments and increased anxieties for families visiting dentists (Westgarth, 2020).


Time Session Speaker(s)
14:00-14:25 Impact in Action – University of Roehampton 
Sugarless Green: Teaching children about oral case using gardening resources
Melissa Jogie, University of Roehampton
14:25-14:30 Q&A Vertigo Ventures


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