Webinar: What makes a Compelling ICS for REF2021?

On Wednesday 13 May at 12 noon (BST), we will be leading a webinar on “What makes a compelling ICS for REF2021”. Since 2009, we have been working with leading research organisations globally to help them identify, capture and report the impact of their...

Webinar: Collaboration in VV-Impact Tracker

On Wednesday 8 April at noon (UK time), Vertigo Ventures will run a webinar for our VV-Impact Tracker and VV-Impact Reviewer clients based in the UK. It will be on “Collaboration in VV-Impact Tracker”. This webinar will be a practical session around how...
Webinar Planning for Impact in VV-IT (AU)

Webinar Planning for Impact in VV-IT (AU)

On 12 March at 11am (AEDT), Vertigo Ventures will run a webinar for our ANZ VV-Impact Tracker clients on “Planning for Impact in VV-IT”. This webinar will cover how to create Pathway to Impact statements and how VV-Impact Tracker can be used in creating...

Webinar: Research Impact around the World

On Thursday 5 March at 10am (UK time), Vertigo Ventures will run a webinar open to our VV-Impact Tracker clients as well as anyone else interested in research impact. It will be on “Research Impact around the World”. Governmental bodies, funding agencies...