
Your impact home
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What you can do to prepare

Creating impact adoption across your institution or even department can seem daunting, but there are lots of methods and strategies to achieve this, and they are often interconnected. Below are some examples to consider:

Leverage internal resources
Provide incentives for impact activities
Introduce impact planning
Impact adoption
Send internal communications
Obtain senior level buy-in
Provide staff engagement

How we can help

We have worked with universities of sizes and across all disciplines to help them prepare their submissions and embed key rhythms to support higher quality submissions through our software and services approach. We provide a consultative approach to help you identify your areas of improvement and choose the services or technology that will help you achieve as highly as possible.
Feature Software Services ImpactEcosystem
Integrations: Repository, User Management and Grants
ImpactEcosystem onboarding and dedicated training, empowering your colleagues to use the technology to improve their capture and reporting of impact
CPD-accredited eLearning courses that cover impact basics through to specific Impact Case Studies (ICS) and national assessment training
Participation in quarterly Steering Groups to help shape product and services, and share knowledge
In-person workshops and full training options, including "what makes as 4* impact case study"
Annual health checks to assess impact readiness and recommend improvements
Annual Impact Case Study Reviews, built within ImpactTracker & ImpactReviewer and shared to provide continual constructive support
1-2-1 Impact Mapping / Feedback sessions in person/virtual (1 hour) to provide recommendations and actions to improve ICS.
Polish documents Ready for Submission: Receive drafts in Word /GDoc format. Clean and marked up versions to be provided

What is impact?

Get started on your journey with our comprehensive resource hub:

Impact Definition

Get to grips with the basics of impact and why it matters?

Types of Impact

Learn about some of the varieties of impact


Impact Examples

See some examples of impact on our winners’ showcase

The impact journey

For 15 years, hivve has helped organisations across the world find effective paths to achieve their impact goals.


Learn about impact, its value, the landscape, how others are doing it, and build confidence to continue your journey


Know what good/bad impact looks like, benchmark, identify current gaps, and secure organisational support


Demonstrate early impact success, win stakeholder buy-in,  and gain approval for organisational adoption


Embed impact into your strategic plan, establish a dedicated team, processes and systems to track and report impact


Extend the reach and value of impact throughout your organisation, and streamline impact processes


Scale impact, promote your profile, extend collaboration and capability through networks

Stage 1 – Discovery

Learn about impact, its value, the landscape, how others are doing it, and build confidence to continue your journey

Impact itself is not a new concept, but for many people and organisations, it remains unfamiliar. The Discovery stage introduces the fundamentals, such as defining what impact truly means, while also drawing on the experiences of others who are further along in their impact journey.

This stage explores how these organizations approach understanding, capturing, and measuring impact, providing valuable insights that can help inform your own strategy and lay a strong foundation for more advanced impact initiatives.

Thank you for hosting a free of charge event like this and for providing inspiring examples of university research in action, making a positive difference to local communities… This was the best event I have ever attended!

Feedback on the Impact Symposium

Recommended Resources for Discovery

Impact Definition

What is impact and why does it matter?

ImpactAcademy - Module 1

Sign up to the first module of our CPD-accredited ImpactAcademy eLearning course and begin your journey


Learn about the most recent trends in impact and engagement.

Stage 2 – Understanding

Know what good/bad impact looks like, benchmark, identify current gaps, and secure organisational support

After completing the Discovery stage, you can begin to deepen your Understanding of impact.

Impact is often unique and can be both positive or negative, but it is highly beneficial to start identifying benchmarks and recognising what constitutes “good” impact capture and reporting.

With this knowledge, you’ll be better positioned to identify gaps within your organisation and more effectively articulate the support needed to advance your team on its impact journey.


Recommended Resources for Understanding


ImpactTracker is our software product that can help you structure impact projects properly from the start. Get in touch for a demo now!


Progress your impact journey with our “Identifying Impact” module, and get a second CPD certificate (make sure you have completed module 1 first!)

Webinar - Preparing for Impact success

Contact us to discuss the second module in the webinar series “Preparing for Impact Success” – Preparing Your Institution for Success – Developing Culture and Processes

Stage 3 – Engagement

Demonstrate early impact success, win stakeholder buy-in, and gain approval for organisational adoption

During the Engagement stage, building an impact-driven culture is key. This requires both top-down leadership support and bottom-up buy-in across your organisation, fostering collective engagement.

You can achieve this by highlighting the impact successes you are already delivering and by clearly communicating the value of impact, reinforced by the latest trends and insights in the field. This helps create a shared understanding of the importance of impact and encourages active participation at all levels.

Recommended Resources for Engagement

eBook - Developing Impact culture

Learn how you can work with processes and software to set your organisational culture up for success


Go yet further along your journey with our “Evidencing Impact through Engagement” module


Read through our analysis of Hong Kong’s last research assessment, with impact constituting 15% of the total score for universities

Stage 4 – Management

Embed impact into your strategic plan, have a dedicated team, processes and systems to track and report impact

Getting the Management stage right is crucial, as the complexity of impact measurement can quickly escalate. It’s important to embed impact into broader strategic plans, not only for individual teams but also at an organisational level. Since impact often unfolds over extended periods, planning with longer timeframes is essential.

To facilitate this, consider the tools and systems that will best support your journey, and identify the training resources needed to scale up your teams effectively. This ensures that your organization is well-equipped to manage and sustain impact initiatives over time.

Recommended Resources for Management

eBook - selecting an ImPact Management System

Learn how you can set yourself up for success by choosing the right system to support your institution’s impact requirements

ImpactAcademy - Module 4

Finish our eLearning course with “Developing a Compelling Impact Narrative” and establish your skills


Get in touch with our team of impact experts to support you with mapping your impact in a 1-hour interactive workshop

Stage 5 – Optimisation

Extend the reach and value of impact throughout the organisation, streamline impact processes

The Optimisation stage focuses on refining the processes you’ve developed and the systems you’ve implemented, making your expanding impact ecosystem more efficient and adaptable.

As the demand for impact-related information continues to grow, it’s essential to remain flexible in how this data is utilized across various departments. Leveraging impact data effectively can support diverse performance reporting needs, helping to align organizational goals and showcase progress in key areas.

Recommended Resources for Optimisation


Automate your Impact Case Study (ICS) review cycles and ensure your team is delivering the best quality of work

Report & ICS Polishing

Whether you are working on an ICS or an annual report, benefit from the hivve team’s expertise in polishing your work

WEBINAR - Preparing for Impact success

Our final module of this series, “Further Applications of Impact Data” can help you along the optimisation stage

Stage 6 – Amplification

Scale impact, promote your profile, extend collaboration and capability through networks

In this final stage, you’ll focus on scaling your impact, guided by your strategic approach and supported by the right tools.

As your impact expands, your profile should grow as well. It’s important to confidently promote your achievements to the right audiences, ensuring your work gains the visibility it deserves.


Amplifcation: Winner’s Video 

Recommended Resources for Amplification

Impact in Action

Learn from existing members of our global impact community – and gain an opportunity to share your work as well!


Learn more about our work on the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings and how you can raise your profile

Access a wide range of impact projects from around the world and engage with their creators; attract collaboration

Impact Paths

For 15 years, hivve has helped organisations across the world find effective paths to achieve their impact goals.

Impact for Accreditation

Global accreditation programmes increasingly require the demonstration of impact. If your Business School is looking to apply to AABS, AACSB, AMBA, BGA, EQUIS, PRME or more, hivve can help you along this journey.

Learn about our H2 software partnership to address business schools here:

Impact for Annual Reporting

Annual reporting can be an enormous drain on resources, especially when you have to compile impact data . However, if you set up properly, you can make this a manageable process that positively demonstrates the inspiring impact you are making.

Learn about our services for annual reporting for charities and research funders:

Impact for Assessment

Impact assessments continue to grow in importance worldwide. In the academic sector, they are sometimes tied directly to funding, making it essential to demonstrate your impact as clearly and effectively as possible.

Learn about how we support with impact assessments:

Impact for Philanthropy

Philanthropic organisations have varied impact reporting requirements, and can often benefit from improved structures and tools to support small teams in responding to these demands.

Read our Guardian article on measuring impact for social enterprises here:

Impact for Reputation

Impact has become a useful benchmark for organisational profiles, and is now the subject of a growing number of ranking programmes worldwide.

Learn about how we supported the Times Higher Education (THE) in developing the world’s first Impact Ranking for universities:

Selected Industries

Higher Education

We have worked with the higher education sector for 15 years to support institutions around the world from Discovery to Amplification.

Impact Funds & Philanthropy

We enable impact funds & philanthropy to better track and measure the impact that their funding supports through training and software.

Purpose-Led Organisations

We support purpose-led organisations worldwide with mapping their impact, optimising annual reports and communicating their work.

Engage Impact Champions – Demonstrate ‘What’s in it for me’

Develop internal examples

Showcase the benefits from high impact through your own examples, for example by creating impact case studies. 


Equip impact champions through “train the trainer” sessions that help to scale impact understanding throughout your institution.


Help academics to clearly see the return on investment, for example by hosting funding workshops that include an impact element.

Make compliance easy

Make compliance easy by ensuring that impact data is readily available and can be easily repurposed into whatever formats are required. 

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