Impact and Quality at Forefront of EUA’s Reforming Research Assessment
Today the European University Association (EUA) announced the publication of the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment paper. The document makes public the final 8th July agreement at a Stakeholder Assembly of more than 350 organisations across 40+ countries...
Approaches to Sustainable Agriculture in the Face of Climate Change
Today the soaring temperature in the UK has exceeded 40C for the first time, while Spain and Portugal have already recorded over 1,100 heat-related deaths during the record-breaking Western European heatwave. Meanwhile the UN's Sustainable Development Goals 2022...
Fifth Impact in Action Explores Sustainable Farming on Cholderton Estate
The fifth Impact in Action took place on the 12th July 2022 at 2PM BST, examining how Cholderton Estate in Wiltshire, UK takes a unique approach to sustainable agriculture. Project Manager, Merrick Denton-Thompson, explained the context as the UK moves away from the...
UK Researchers Lose Out on Horizon Europe Grants
Original text by Alex Smith, Senior Marketing Strategist at Vertigo Ventures UK researchers have lost out on 115 grants - which had previously been approved through the €95.5 billion Horizon Europe programme - amidst the ongoing tensions between the UK and EU over the...
The PBRF Quality Evaluation 2025 Recommendations Introduce New Impact Considerations for New Zealand Institutions
On the 20th June 2022, New Zealand’s Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) agreed in principle to the recommendations made by the PBRF Sector Reference Group (SRG) around changing the research definitions and design of Evidence Portfolios for the upcoming national...
The REF 2021 Impact Case Studies (ICS) Are Published; Now We Must Aim For the SDGs 2030 Deadline
Earlier today, the 6,781 Impact Case Studies (ICS) that had been submitted to the UK’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 were published by UKRI. 78.9% of these were deemed to be of 4* (world leading) or 3* (internationally excellent) quality, which is hugely...
Impact in Action #5 – Cholderton Estate
On the 12th July 2022 at 2PM GMT, our fifth Impact in Action will look into how a farm in Wiltshire, UK is using innovative techniques to produce food in a sustainable manner, while keeping water and the air clean. The session will be hosted by Merrick...
Science Must Not Be Stymied by Politics – or Geographical Inequalities
Original text by Alex Smith, Senior Marketing Strategist at Vertigo Ventures On Wednesday 8th June 2022, the ERC (European Research Council) notified 143 UK researchers that the grants they had secured through the Horizon Europe programme were to be terminated. This...
Four Bitesize Learnings from the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2022
The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings (IR) 2022 were released last week. As the world’s only such impact ranking, it measures the higher education sector’s contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). First off, congratulations to all the...
What is the Difference between Academic Impact and Research Impact?
Within academia, two types of impact are commonly referenced - academic impact and research impact. Both are often used within a wide range of contexts and can be expressed through similar diction. However, there are some fundamental and important differences between...
How the SDG Compass can help with university strategic planning
The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings will be released in one month's time (April 26-28) at the THE Innovation and Impact Summit 2022. Our founder & CEO, Laura Tucker, along with Duncan Ross - Chief Data Officer of THE and M’hamed el Aisati -...
Managing Public Engagement with ImpactTracker
Public engagement now plays a vital role in many higher education frameworks. This includes the KEF, in which it contributes to two of the seven constituent perspectives, and national assessments such as the REF, in which it represents vital activities that contribute...
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