Developing Impact Themes for your Impact Case Study in VV-IT

(Course ID: IT-03)
This is a full day practical workshop intended to help academics develop distinct impact themes for their case studies and populate the storyboards on VV-Impact Tracker. Attendees will first have the opportunity to discuss a specific research project in a ‘safe space’ during a 1-2-1 session with the trainer. Here the trainer will help the attendee develop a Impact map for their research project, breaking down who their stakeholders are, what engagement and impact activities have taken place and identifying what outcomes have been achieved for their projects. Working with the trainer the attendee will start to create their storyboards on VV-Impact Tracker, based on key impact themes identified during the session. In the second part of the session attendees come together to use their individual Impact maps to draft their impact case study narratives in VV-Impact Tracker.
Learning Outcomes:
- Attendees to gain clarity on the main impact components of their research project
- Attendees to identify the key impact themes for their project
- Attendees to update their projects’ storyboards in VV-Impact Tracker based on the themes identified
- Attendees to understand what other actions they need to build a robust impact case study
Who should attend
- Researchers/Academics (only VV-Impact Tracker users)
Find Out More
Phone: +44 (0) 7957814344