Vertigo Ventures at Sustainability Science Days 2019

Vertigo Ventures at Sustainability Science Days 2019

Aalto University and University of Helsinki will organize Sustainability Science Days 2019 conference on 9-10 May. One of the keynote speakers is Laura Tucker, CEO of Vertigo Ventures, presenting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as the basis for THE University...
Insights on the HEI sector working towards sustainable development

Insights on the HEI sector working towards sustainable development

Insights on the HEI sector working towards sustainable development Results of the pilot Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings – in which more than 500 universities around the world participated – will be announced on Wednesday 3rd April 2019 at 3pm...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 230

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 230 The measurement tail should not be wagging the impact dog. Read more How to promote your research achievements without being obnoxious? Read more The SDGs are what the world needs. Will they be what the world gets? Read more Creating...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 229

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 229 Join the New ‘International Impact Network’ Discussion Forum.  Read More How can Universities get more activists to take-up their research? Read more The evaluative inquiry: a new approach to research evaluation. Read more The...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 228

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 228 Register for VV Webinar: How to approach Internal Impact Reviews. Read more Adviser opportunity at The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. Read more Greater than the sum of its parts: why the GCRF Interdisciplinary Research Hubs...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 227

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 227 Walking and talking research impact. Read more The characteristics and reporting quality of research impact case studies: A systematic review. Read more Policy impact: A ‘How to’ guide for researchers. Read more Approaches to SDG 17...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 226

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 226 University Impact Ranking: time to submit your data. Read more Could it all be much ado about nothing?: A tragicomic perspective on research impact. Read more Building back trust: Demonstrating research impact. Read more Research Impact...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 225

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 225 The REF’s focus on linear and direct impact is problematic and silences certain types of research. Read more The University College Corks published an economic and societal impact report earlier this year. Read more The Heriot-Watt...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 224

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 224 Open access book publishing should be community-focused and aim to let diversity thrive, not be driven by a free market paradigm. Read more Pathways to excellence in public engagement: A noble ‘PEACE prize’. Read more ‘Are we there yet?’:...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 223

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol. 223 Navigating trade-offs between research, impact, and collaboration. Read more NCCPE publishes response to REF consultation. Read more Developing approaches to research impact assessment and evaluation: lessons from a Canadian health...