VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.195

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.195 1. Upcoming webinar: Public engagement as a pathway to impact. Read more 2. The Overseas Development Institute’s REF impact toolkit. Read more 3. How researchers are ensuring that their work has an impact. Read more 4. Access then...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.194

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.194 1. Evolving the ‘Co-Produced Pathway to Impact’. Read more 2. An extended library of 4* Impact Case Studies from REF2014. Read more 3. Report: Socio-economic impact of EPSRC’s investment in research equipment. Read more 4. Blog...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.193

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.193 1. A brief history of research impact – how has impact assessment evolved in the UK and Australia? Read more 2. How to write a robust claim to research impact. Read more  3. Global Kids Online’s impact toolkit for multi-country...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.192

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.192 1. Key elements of a research impact culture. Read more 2. The impact of business research. Read more  3. Rethinking policy ‘impact’: four models of research-policy relations. Read more 4. The hidden costs of research assessment exercises:...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.191

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.191 1. Impact statements: a little pain for lot of gain. Read more 2. The need for engaged research leadership. Read more  3. Thinking about impact in New Zealand. Read more 4. The gendered impact agenda – how might more female academics’...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.190

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.190 1. The pressures and possibilities of the REF and impact. Read more 2. ISRIA’s statement: ten-point guidelines for an effective process of research impact assessment. Read more  3. The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.189

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.189 1. The ‘long tail’ of research impact is engendered by meaningful dissemination and community engagement. Read more 2. Register now for our upcoming webinar on ‘Developing and embedding a research impact...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.188

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.188 1. The growing need for institutional research impact strategies. Read more 2.  A summary of recent discussions on public engagement, impact and the REF. Read more 3. Impact resources from the International School on Research Impact...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.187

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.187 1. How to approach measuring the impact of research engagement activities. Read more 2. Film research in REF 2014 and the lessons that can be learnt to create strong Impact Case Studies for 2021. Read more 3. How Innovate UK assesses its...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.186

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.186 1. The future of the impact agenda depends on the revaluation of ‘academic freedom’. Read more 2. New study claims top universities ‘boost innovation more than nations’. Read more 3. How prepared is the sector for REF...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.185

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.185 1. REF 2021 decisions do not all hit the mark. Read more 2. Blog post on the latest REF Impact consultation workshop. Read more 3. The importance of having a research engagement strategy. Read more 4. Understanding research impact in the...

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.184

VV-Impact Newsletter Vol.184 1. Unique, but still best practice? The Research Excellence Framework (REF) from an international perspective. Read more 2. Universities, Academics and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Read more 3. Nevermind the...