
Preparing for Impact Success

An eight-part online training course with exclusive content from hivve, enabling you to develop a deep understanding of impact and how to thrive when demonstrating it

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Register Now for the Autumn Cohort!

This course is available exclusively to hivve customers. It provides a full introduction to reseearch impact, impact assessment (including REF 2029), and hands-on experience of how to prepare yourself and your institution.

The course, delivered by hivve’s experienced impact experts, combines reference materials and theory with practical, interactive exercises to help you gain a full understanding of research impact. You will further learn how to get maximum value out of ImpactTracker and ImpactReviewer to make capturing impact easier.

Learn more about the syllabus below, or use the form to the right to register interest in joining the Autumn cohort (dates TBD).


1. Introduction to research impact & impact case studies (ICS) in the REF

08/02/24 – 9:15-10am GMT
Understand why impact data and reporting is of growing importance and its different use cases
Gain insights on lessons learned from previous impact reporting exercises
Understand macro level trends as to where impact reporting is going and likely future requirements

2. What is impact reporting and what does good look like?

21/02/24 – 9:15-10:15am GMT
Understand what impact reporting is 
Understand what information is needed to create an impact report
Understand what makes a great impact report

3. Preparing your institution for success – developing culture and processes

06/03/24 – 9:15-10:15am GMT
Understand and identify who and what resourcing is required to embed impact reporting well
Identify potential mechanisms to incorporate impact into
Feel equipped to identify and approach what process may need to be reviewed to incorporate impact

4. Collecting Data and Evidence

20/03/24 – 9:15-10am GMT
Understand possible ways to structure your data in ImpactTracker 
Understand and identify who you may need to work with within the organisation to draft ICS / impact reports
Understand how to easily collect evidence in real time

5. Building 4* impact case studies in ImpactTracker

11/04/24 – 9:15-10:15am GMT
Understand how to export information into an ICS template / impact report 
Understand potential narrative structure based on the kinds of impact you are having and how they relate to the orgnisational objectives / goals
Understand how to build an ICS in ImpactTracker

6. Running internal mock reviews with impactreviewer

25/04/24 – 9:15-10:15am GMT
Understand how to create a Review in ImpactReviewer
Understand how to run a successful mock review process
Identify possible critical path and milestones in the run up to the REF 2029

7. Polishing Impact Case Studies for Submission

15/05/24 – 9:15-10am GMT
Understand how to write easy to understand ICS / Impact Report using the impact data and evidence
Understand how to train internal assessors to determine objectively which information to use
Ensure the audit process is in place

8. Further applications of Impact Data

29/05/24 – 9:15-10am GMT
Understand how impact data can be repurposed for different purposes 
Understand how to use ImpactTracker to report to comply to different standards

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