Registration Form - Impact in Action #2 - Staffordshire University

Impact in Action #2 – Get Talking Impact: Building Community-University partnerships for impact through Participatory Action Research
Webinar | 09/12/21 2:00PM (GMT) | Register Now!

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9/12/21 14:00-14:30 (GMT)

Webinar Summary

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In our second Impact In Action series, we are delighted to be joined by Associate Professor and the Lead for Civic Engagement & Evaluation, Nicola Gratton of Staffordshire University.

Get Talking is an approach to Participatory Action Research developed by Staffordshire University, that involves community researchers throughout the research process and is underpinned by a firm foundation or training and support. Get Talking has been used to engagae community researchers, many with lived experiences of the issues being investigated in a number of research projects in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire. This session will outline a number of these projects and explore the collective impact of the work on individuals, communities and organisations involved.

You can learn more about the project on by clicking here.


Time Session Speaker(s)

Impact in Action – Staffordshire University 

Get Talking Impact: Building Community-University partnerships for impact through Participatory Action Research.

Nicola Gratton, Staffordshire University
14:25-14:30 Q&A Vertigo Ventures


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