Registration Form - Impact in Action #1 - Fabric District

Impact in Action
#1 – Liverpool Fabric District with John Hyatt
Webinar | 11/11/21 2:00PM (GMT +1) | Register Now!

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11/11/21 14:00-14:30 (GMT +1)

Webinar Summary

Liverpool John Moores (LJMU) University Logo

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In the first of our Impact In Action series, we are delighted to be joined by Professor of Contemporary Art and Director of the Institute of Art & Technology, Liverpool School of Art and Design at Liverpool John Moore’s University, John Hyatt, as he takes us through the Fabric District Arts Strategy, Research Festivals and Projects that have had a transformative impact on one of Liverpool’s neglected and derelict districts.

You can learn more in advance of the online session by viewing the project on


Time Session Speaker(s)
14:00-14:05 Introduction

A welcome address to the Impact in Action series

Vertigo Ventures
14:05-14:25 Impact in Action – Liverpool Fabric District

A journey through making real-world transformative impact on an under-privileged area

John Hyatt, Liverpool John Moores University
14:25-14:30 Q&A Vertigo Ventures


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