We would like to announce that all four of our E-Learning courses are now CPD accredited! Our extensive experience within the industry, as well as first-hand knowledge of impact tracking enables us to have a unique database of relevant information. We provide...
On Wednesday 8 April at noon (UK time), Vertigo Ventures will run a webinar for our VV-Impact Tracker and VV-Impact Reviewer clients based in the UK. It will be on “Collaboration in VV-Impact Tracker”. This webinar will be a practical session around how...
LONDON – Over the last decade, Vertigo Ventures (VV) has provided training and consultation around planning for, measuring and communicating the impact of research to thousands of researchers at many universities globally. With the rapid growth of our...
On 12 March at 11am (AEDT), Vertigo Ventures will run a webinar for our ANZ VV-Impact Tracker clients on “Planning for Impact in VV-IT”. This webinar will cover how to create Pathway to Impact statements and how VV-Impact Tracker can be used in creating...
On Thursday 5 March at 10am (UK time), Vertigo Ventures will run a webinar open to our VV-Impact Tracker clients as well as anyone else interested in research impact. It will be on “Research Impact around the World”. Governmental bodies, funding agencies...